Monday, February 21, 2011

Deuteronomy 31:8

Yesterday I met my hubby and our girls at church. I really didn't want to go. My body was screaming in pain. My joints felt as if they were going to explode. My muscle were weak. My skin felt as if it was being overstimulated. Yet through all of this, I wasn't going to let my Fybro get in the way of my life. Seeing friends was wonderful but with every hug I gave I would silently cry out with pain. During Praise and Worship I could hardly take the pain, I had to sit down as the vibration of the music irritated my skin even more than it already was. My legs were shaking uncontrollably. Tears began to roll down my face as I questioned God, "Why would you allow this music that I am singing to you, to worship you, to praise you, hurt me?" I continued to sing as I was not giving up the chance to worship along side of my family and friends. Satan was not going to use this pain to interfere in my relationship with my Father! Right then I heard the gentle whisper of my Savior, "Do you trust me? Do you love Me? Will you praise me no matter what?" I lifted my hands to Him as if I was reaching for Him to take me by the hand to lead me. It was a very sweet and tender moment.

As Deuteronomy 31:8 states God's promise to me is that He would never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you Lord as I know this pain will not be wasted but that it will bring you glory.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Funny thing how God works!!!  As I was typing my first post, we had an emotion come up in our home... Imagine that!  A house full of females and an emotion pops up!

I have to back up before I can go on with this.  For those of you that do not know us, my husband Konrad and I have four beautiful girls. Kelsey will be 17 in a few days, Kailee and Bailee are 9, and MaKenzie is 7.  Currently my husband is deployed and will be back in February of 2010. "Uncle Sugar" had better keep that date! (or sooner)  The emotions have been running wild, needless to say!

So as I was typing, Bailee came up to me sobbing.  I didn't even need to ask what was wrong, the words came sputtering out. "I miss my daddy!"  I quickly put the computer down to calm her.  As she crawled up on my lap, God whispered to me, "It's o.k."  I held her ever so tightly and I whispered the same thing to her.....  We prayed and cried and prayed some more.  We had snot and tears galore!  But a midst of all that I reminded her of the joy that we have because of Jesus!  At that moment we had both sadness and joy.  This was confirmation that this blog is what God has been nudging me to do!

Thank you Lord for your abundant blessings.  I am humbled that You call me Your child.

The Real Me

I'm starting this blog because I feel that there is a desperate need for Christians to be real.  To be given the "go ahead" to be o.k. with what we are feeling.  God gave us our emotions for a reason.  We can have our sadness, frustration, anger, sorrow, etc. and still have joy.  How?  We have a Savior that has paid our price, and because of that we are joyful. That joy will always be in our heart no matter what emotion we are having at that time.  If you do not have that relationship with Christ, I'm inviting you to reach out to me and I will help guide you into His loving arms.

I'm asking you to be vulnerable with me as we seek God and trust in His promise! Hang on to Him because we are on this roller coaster together!