I'm starting this blog because I feel that there is a desperate need for Christians to be real. To be given the "go ahead" to be o.k. with what we are feeling. God gave us our emotions for a reason. We can have our sadness, frustration, anger, sorrow, etc. and still have joy. How? We have a Savior that has paid our price, and because of that we are joyful. That joy will always be in our heart no matter what emotion we are having at that time. If you do not have that relationship with Christ, I'm inviting you to reach out to me and I will help guide you into His loving arms.
I'm asking you to be vulnerable with me as we seek God and trust in His promise! Hang on to Him because we are on this roller coaster together!
I'm proud of you and excited as you walk this road... it will be fun to look back on this as well... Thanks for riding the roller coaster with us too!